The Path to Wellness

The journey to wellness can only begin when you decide that you are worth it. The path to living a healthier lifestyle is not always easy and your success depends heavily on your state of mind as you embark upon a plan. You have to believe that you are worth the time, energy, and sacrifice that it takes to become the healthiest person that you can be. Your mind must be focused and fully aligned with your intentions to make healthier choices. Please understand that there is no diet, guide or exercise plan that will work if you are not fully invested and committed to yourself. This concept of becoming a healthier person is closely tied to the concept of self-care. This means putting yourself on your list of things to do without guilt. It means knowing that maintaining your personal health can only be better for you and everyone around you. This may require that you are not as available to others as you have been in the past, but that's okay. It's all for the good. You will believe it when you begin to feel and look better and lead a more vibrant and energetic life. Let go of your fears of what happened that last time you tried to get healthy. Let go of your fears about how difficult you think it may be or even how others may perceive your new commitment to yourself. It has no relevance now. Today, decide how you want to live the rest of your life. Embrace it fully and with knowledge that you have the power to transform your life right now. Begin today.


Womxn of Color Summit: African Roots of Modern Medicine